Luna Gets Fit: My Life Luna Gets Fit

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Commerical for 31 Days of Fitness |

Friday, August 14, 2015

My Life: Follow Me |


4 months after pregnancy.
10 months after pregnancy.
08/10/2015 53lbs weight-loss.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Life: Heart Broken on My Journey |

My heart is broken amidst me becoming new, and the pain will still reside in me now I let you go.The new moon rising while the sun is setting on my love for you. This transformation can’t change the hurt I feel. No longer feeling like I gave up on us in return to be free. I gave up on the vicious cycle that kept us in prison, You didn’t want to grown with me. You didn’t want leave with me. You didn’t want to be FREE with me. So I will walk this journey alone while being the new me!


Monday, August 10, 2015

My Life: How I Handle Stress |


There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them.  ~Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My Life: Be Happy |

Happy or Content

Since major life changes occurred in my late 30's, I don't remember a time since the birth of my son when I was extremely happy. It sucks to know that I have failed in so many things in the last 5 years. My relationship, job and financials. I feel like I am in the fight of my life and I can't seem to find a corner to rest in before I can throw more punches. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Friday, July 31, 2015

My Life: Son Took My Brains! |

Can exercise improve learning and memory?

I ask myself this question recently and I had to find out the truth. It turns out that physical activity actually turns on hormonal support systems in your brain. The activation of these systems strengthens brain circuits that you already have and helps you develop new ones. I was happy to hear this because I truly believe my son took off with half my brain when I birthed him. About 2 months after he was born, I started to notice short-term memory loss. Coupled that with postpartum depression, I needed extra help taking care of my little one. My comprehension level has greatly declined, I can't enjoy books like I use too. That little bandit took of with portion of my brain and I want it back!

Monday, July 20, 2015

My Life: After My First 31 Days Fitness |


On Sale Today!

Free eBook Promotion Dates: 
July 21st- July24th 
Get Your Copy Soon!
Fitness eBook



Sunday, July 12, 2015

My Life: Family, Fitness, Work and Everything! |


 My Life

Gaining 5 pounds this week has kill my momentum. Feeling like crapola and slightly depressed  I need to turn things around. Having so much so much on my plate and no one to help me is becoming the new norm. Juggling caring for my mom, son and new business while trying to lose weight has become an overwhelming task. I fell short because I stop doing the things that help me stay successful in my ventures. Trying to snap out of my slump is starting to get harder and harder everyday.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Life: Son Showing Us his moves! |

My son is a natural entertainer. Bringing smiles and levity to any situation. I can't be unhappy around him.

Monday, July 6, 2015

My Life: My Beautiful and Wonderful Son |

 My Pride and Joy!!!Baby in baby blue
I couldn't never imagine giving birth to such a wonderful person.

Monday, June 22, 2015

My Life: Healthy Living Rules! |

Luna's 10 Rules for weightloss 10 Healthy Living Rules

Everyone should have a great goals and plans on accomplishing those goals. My goal is to be healthy and fit.  So to try to offset any possible mistakes I may make, I will write out some commandments that will guide me back to the goal at hand. I have research from many reputable sources on how to proceed. Some of you may think I am over thinking this process. Well I am, but I can't and will not fail, so I will over-think and think it over again as much as I want.

Monday, June 15, 2015

My Life: "Mothers Apron" |

I am having issues with the belly fat(more like flap) because of an Cesarian section. C-section was for the sake of my son health. He was born with a tumor the size of a tennis ball on the crown of his head. They found it in a ultrasound during my second trimester. All the stress of not knowing if my son will die, kept me in constant anxiety.  So the doc's said it will best to get a c-section, it made them feel a little more control over the situation. Considering that birthing the babe through the birth canal will be dangerous, I had to agreed. Now he is a happy one year old, also the tumor is all gone. The tumor on head was diagnosis a hemangioma; which means in short, "blood vessels gone wild."

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My Life: Weight loss |

I made up a nice fitness challenge for my self. This will help aid in weight loss.

Goals: Meditate at least 20 minutes daily.
Perform 25 pushups without stopping.
Pole dancing class with my friends
Get at least 8 hours of sleep daily.
Eat five different vegetables and fruit daily.
More outside workouts than at home or the gym.
Have Fun! 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

My Life: I need my fitness back!!! |

Weight Gain After Baby

I have to admit I did use my baby as an excuse not to work out.  I love him and he is such a sweet being; but he does not deserve the blame for my inactivity. My excuses have caused me to be grotesquely out of shape and sick. In fact, in the medical world I am considered morbidly obese. Being 87 pounds overweight hurts; I can feel every single pound. Enough is enough!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

My Life: Mothers Day! |

I am not your Superwoman. But I make this shit look easy though!!! But the card is bomb though!!! #mothersday #newmom #superwoman #karynwhite #Mom
Posted by Luna Honeymuffincakes Adkins on Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Life: Need my fitness back!!! |

My first commercial. I believe it to be quite hilarious, but people seems to affected by the extremely large lady in the film.