My Life: Son Took My Brains! - Luna Gets Fit My Life: Son Took My Brains!

Friday, July 31, 2015

My Life: Son Took My Brains! |

Can exercise improve learning and memory?

I ask myself this question recently and I had to find out the truth. It turns out that physical activity actually turns on hormonal support systems in your brain. The activation of these systems strengthens brain circuits that you already have and helps you develop new ones. I was happy to hear this because I truly believe my son took off with half my brain when I birthed him. About 2 months after he was born, I started to notice short-term memory loss. Coupled that with postpartum depression, I needed extra help taking care of my little one. My comprehension level has greatly declined, I can't enjoy books like I use too. That little bandit took of with portion of my brain and I want it back!


Good news though I can get it back, I just have to work for it.
Exercise causes a rise in several growth factors in the brain that are responsible for helping brain cells survive and divide into new brain cells, or neurons. Only a couple of brain regions can produce new neurons and exercise increases the amount and rate of neuron production in these regions. Exercise also increases the blood supply in the brain. In laboratory studies, exercise increased the number of blood vessels that supply several brain regions. This has the effect of improving nutrient delivery and waste removal from critical regions that effect mental function.

Exercise improves mental health. Considering I have been losing my mind trying to adjust to being a mother, this is good news.
Folks that exercise regularly know that they are much more capable of handling stress throughout their day than they are when they don't exercise. This is, in part, because exercise and stress have opposite effects on the hippocampus and exercise improves your buffer to handle the stress.

With so many kids and adults on anti-depressants today, I have to wonder what proportion of them could get off these medications with more physical activity. Of course, anti-depressant therapy is both beneficial and necessary for some folks. But the rate of prescriptions today, especially in kids, is out of control. Just think, if I would have workout everyday after my recovery period this blog would not be in existence.

Day at the beach with dad!

All of the beneficial effects of exercise are compounded by starting early in life. It is kind of like compound interest in the bank. The earlier you start saving, the more money there is to earn interest in the end. Yet, unfortunately, schools are cutting physical education for budgetary reasons. Soccer moms must unite and get exercise back in our schools. That's why I made my son a big part of my workout routine.We walk 2 miles to the park 4 days a week, then pretty I run around chasing a 2 year old for about 2 hours. He has so much energy I am considering starting a boot-camp with him as the instructor. My workout routine at the park is pretty simple and he notices my movement and try to mimic.

Inducing physically active behavior in our kids is crucial. Studies show that people tend to continue the lifestyles they are exposed to at an early age. Ignoring the value of physical activity now will make them more likely to do so as adults. In order for our kids to be cognitively active adults all the way through life, we must instill the importance of physical activity today. If we do not, we are doing them a huge disfavor. So my little bundle of joy will learn from a young age that he needs to exercise regularly like he needs to brush his teeth.

The actions that we take with our kids now and the behaviors that we promote will have a huge impact on their life long success. Yes, once they are out of our homes they are their own people and can choose to live their lives how they want. Nevertheless, we have to give them the leg-up now to set them up for the successes they deserve.

So my little brain bandit, you can have my brains and more!!!