My Life: "Mothers Apron" - Luna Gets Fit My Life: "Mothers Apron"

Monday, June 15, 2015

My Life: "Mothers Apron" |

I am having issues with the belly fat(more like flap) because of an Cesarian section. C-section was for the sake of my son health. He was born with a tumor the size of a tennis ball on the crown of his head. They found it in a ultrasound during my second trimester. All the stress of not knowing if my son will die, kept me in constant anxiety.  So the doc's said it will best to get a c-section, it made them feel a little more control over the situation. Considering that birthing the babe through the birth canal will be dangerous, I had to agreed. Now he is a happy one year old, also the tumor is all gone. The tumor on head was diagnosis a hemangioma; which means in short, "blood vessels gone wild."


He is healthy and very happy. Thank God!
After researching many fitness and bodybuilding websites and consulting different forums on the "belly flap" issue, I got mixed messages. Some of the sites claim you can get rid of the belly flap by dieting and exercising, reducing the body's fat. Some said you can reduce the appearance of the flap, but it will never completely go away without surgery. Just the idea of surgery gives me chills. So reducing the appearance of the belly flap seems the best I can't do for now. Most sites had a moniker for the flap, "mothers apron"...ha!I have a damn mothers apron, ahhhhhhh!

Now for my rant...

What would I do with it? Jump off my patio spread it out and use it to float to the first floor. This is some BS. Surgery!?! Like hell would I let some cut happy doctor near my stomach again. So I will have to live with this awful flap, because "Preparation H" is not an option.