My Life: Weight loss - Luna Gets Fit My Life: Weight loss

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My Life: Weight loss |

I made up a nice fitness challenge for my self. This will help aid in weight loss.

Goals: Meditate at least 20 minutes daily.
Perform 25 pushups without stopping.
Pole dancing class with my friends
Get at least 8 hours of sleep daily.
Eat five different vegetables and fruit daily.
More outside workouts than at home or the gym.
Have Fun! 

Still doing this!  30 Days Challenge.

Fitness Plan: I am starting slow since I have been terribly sedentary since the birth of my son. Walking with my baby boy daily. I am walking 311,000 or more steps in the month of November. I am continuing my great ab workout created for me by my sweetie. Monday, Wednesday and Friday's are strength training, full body.

Beginner Ab Workout

35 Crunches
25 Leg Raises
35 second Flutters Kicks
65 Second Planks 
35 Cross Crunches
25 Cycling, Cross
25 Heel Touches
25 Supermen
Do these thrice and done.

Simple Science Fitness has an awesome food pyramid. 
No more detox. I am drinking this holiday for sure!


I am having a bit of trouble going to sleep at an appropriate time. I will try to go to bed before 12am, and wake up before 8am. I have to take a nap, just like we use too when we were kids. Mayo Clinic has a great article about why napping is important for adults.

New goal for Summer, I will paint 3 original pieces. I will start a pole dancing class with my friends.

Luna Gets Fit