Luna Gets Fit: Book Review Luna Gets Fit

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Book Review: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell |

Book Review: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell


 Have you ever heard the statment, to be considered an expert at something you have to invest 10,000 hours. I always wonder who was the authority of that statement; because when I did the math, it made sense. If we are practicing on our target project or profession, 20 hours per week for 10 years it would give us ten thousand hours. I believe exercising anything that long will make you the authority in any endeavor. How hard is that? I spend more time self-loathing and being depressed than in the past than focusing my energies on positive projects. Still not knowing who made the 10,000 hour rule, I try to devote my time in practicing my art. I painted every day for 3 hours and instantly saw the difference in my art. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Book Review: The Power Of Habit |

Power Of Habit Book Review

Power Of Habit
Power Of Habit

Finished reading The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business and added Charles  Duhigg to my "Awesome Book's Written By Investigative Reporters" list.  In this review I will point out how this book helped me.