My Life: Non-Fat, Low Fat and Still Fat! - Luna Gets Fit My Life: Non-Fat, Low Fat and Still Fat!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

My Life: Non-Fat, Low Fat and Still Fat! |



Non-Fat and Low-Fat


Still Fat!!! 


When I was young, family members told me multiple times never get fat or I will never have a boyfriend. The awful ignorant things we tell our children, with no idea of the damage we cause them later in life. In my young mind I thought I needed to go on a diet and try to abstain from eating fatten foods. In the 80's fat was enemy number 1, and I was to stay away from the evil stuff. So every time I go to the grocery store with mom, I'll ask for everything low-fat or better yet non-fat. Back then there was a lot of non-fat and low-fat products to choose. Being a 10 year old and not properly educated on diet a nutrition, I pursued and low-fat diet so I wouldn't "Get Fat". Believe me when I say I gained 5lbs on my fat-free diet plan. I figured out then what scientist with their fancy expensive degrees took years to figure out.  


www.lunagetsfit.usNow that everyone knows this to be true why are they still marketing low and non fat products? I find it impossibly funny when I see low-fat milk, remembering when I was young I ate two bowls of Coco Pops thinking I was losing weight because the milk was low-fat. I am tired of scientist and their half-ass studies being publish prematurely and people running to the latest "lose fat" trend. This time around I will do my weight loss differently. I will not follow useless trends that can harmful to my health. Low carbs, low fat, and low-whatever will never take the place of healthy meal planning and exercise.

My major goal is to lose 4lbs a month until I reach my 180lbs weight, and to extremely healthy. To change my mind, nurture my body and take care of my soul. I will try hard not to fill my son head with awful words that will affect him negatively in life. Sometimes I notice that children are smarter than adults. Maybe because they see life in its simplest form. In my young age it was plain to see a low-fat and non-fat diet wasn't the best way to lose weight. 

Watching adults around me scrambling to get these products was terribly confusing to me. If my mom or anyone thought to ask me why I stopped my low-fat diet, I would've simply said "It didn't work". In a perfect world the adults around me why I believe it didn't work. In a perfect world my opinion will be respected. It wasn't respected then and now in my late 30's I understand why. People are gullible and forget the instincts they were born with, following behind BS the media serves everyday we kill our self preservational skills(yes I made up preservational). Just remember eat a regular healthy diet daily and have patience with your body. You can lose the weight with a plan and time. I have 70lbs to go with no gimmicks or surgery. I will succeed!