Happy or Content
Since major life changes occurred in my late 30's, I don't remember a time since the birth of my son when I was extremely happy. It sucks to know that I have failed in so many things in the last 5 years. My relationship, job and financials. I feel like I am in the fight of my life and I can't seem to find a corner to rest in before I can throw more punches.
My Life
My relationship with my then fiancee was built on a fantasy that soon got shot to shit when reality reared its ugly head. Being in love isn't all needed to make a relationship survive, especially when the love is one-sided. I had a great job with benefits, and I was doing something I loved. It all went to hell when I got laid off because of major cut-backs and corporate BS! My pregnancy was problematic
because my son had a large blood tumor growth on his head. Seeing this
growth cause more stress and unhappiness. So here I am pregnant no job and paying over $800 a month in cobra benefits. My fiancee can't seem to find work in the United States and wants to leave me unhappy, alone and pregnant to pursue a career in a country thousands of miles away. Uhm, yeah exactly I should have drop him then!!! Happiness left the building on that note. So now to the reason for this
blog post, will I ever find happiness again?
One of the things I learned in life is when you have a problem, find the source and address it there. A festering wound can't be healed with a shard of glass still imbedded in the flesh. Putting a band-aid and taking antibiotics will be stupid because the glass is still there. I found many sources of my unhappiness and some of them I have no control over and some I do have control. Removing my glass shard require a delicate approach so I will not damage the flesh in the process of extraction. I choose my health because with good health things I can't control wouldn't freaking matter! No damage can happen when you focus on eating right and working out, easy peasey. I started Luna Gets Fit, because I found that one of the sources of my unhappiness was being overweight and unhealthy. I want to be happy when I reach my goal weight and be content when I stay there...
I am still searching and growing in many ways. Surprising myself everyday with some of my accomplishment. Things I learn about me helps in finding the potential in others as well as myself. Also helps in becoming a better mom to a precocious 2 year old who has my heart in a kungfu grip. I discover my sources of unhappiness by asking myself very important questions. In doing so I had to tell myself the truth. That truth hurt me more than set me free. Like they say "no pain, no gain". I gain enough knownledge to change one thing before I moving on to the next. Weight-loss and healthy living is my ticket to being happy...What is yours???
So ask yourself these questions.
1. What am I grateful for?
2. What make me laugh the most
3. My happiest memory is...
4. How can I change my life?
5. What are my dreams and how can I make them come true?
Once you answer these questions, search within yourself for more until you uncover the source of your unhappiness and pain. This technique helped me because I was willing to change my circumstances and didn't want to raise a child who witness his mom in pain. Please find your source and defeat it in order to move on.
To answer the question I posed myself early in this blog...
Will I ever find happiness again?
I'm working on it so...
Hell Yeah!!!