Luna Gets Fit: Recipes Luna Gets Fit

Friday, July 24, 2015

Recipes: Awesome Salmon Stir Fy Dinner. |

Salmon Fish Stir Fry Dinner

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Recipes: Awesome Lunches |

5 Awesome Lunches 

I am learning how to prep my meals for the week. I am having the problems with meal selections. So most of my meal prep time is devoted to making a menu. This post is featuring my favorite lunches.


Trader Joe's Veggie Burgers

Veggie Burgers 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Recipes for an Awesome Breakfast |

Breakfast Recipes

In the current scenario of life, the cost of eating out for the family is raising day by day. Several people have started worrying whether they could reduce the costs being spent on food items. Getting fresh fruits and vegetables can be the only way to cut the costs. This can also help in keeping your family out of the hospitals.Make sure to create a grocery list before you travel to the market. This will help keep those awful foods, that taste so good out of your cart.

You may have the feeling that the healthy family meals cannot be tastier. It is not so! The following guide will help you in planning the diet for your family when at the same time you do not have to compromise on the taste.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Nutrition: Luna's Kale Fish Soup Recipe |

I made my favorite soup today! "Luna Kale Fish Soup"

Finished and Good!