Luna Gets Fit: Weight-Loss Luna Gets Fit

Friday, August 21, 2015

Weight-loss Vs Fat-Loss |

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Weight-Loss: Things I Should Have Done After Baby! |

Healthy Mind, Body and Soul

www.lunagetsfit.usGiving birth to a child is among the most wonderful experiences a woman can go through. I had the worst experiences ever, and never want to do it again. Can we say adoption!  After a child is born most of new moms get stressed while dealing with the postpartum weight loss, in fact I am still dealing with weight now and my son is 2 years old. Is it impossible for your body to have the same shape as it had before you gave birth. Can't I go back to just needing to lose a few pounds! I have so many regrets, one of them is choosing the wrong mate(that story is for another blog post). But my mistakes made me into the woman I am today. Hopefully I can help you walk a better path than I did when I was preggo's. Are you eager to get your shape back after childbirth? Below are THINGS I WISH I WOULD HAVE DONE BEFORE AND AFTER BABY!  I hope this will help you have even a better body shape than you were before you got pregnant. Totally focusing on your MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

6 Simple Weight-Loss Rules |

Ms. Luna's Weight Loss Rules



In a perfect world I would follow these rules to the "T"...In a Perfect World!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Funny: Weight-loss Product Ephedra |

Luna back in 2009 20lbs overweight.
I have never been a small woman. An always having a few pounds I could stand to lose since college. My weight was never this out of hand. I have tried a lot of weight-loss products in my past to rid myself of 20lbs. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Weight-Loss: Loose skin |

  My Biggest Fear is to Have loose Skin and No Money to Fix the Damage!

Family Guy
How can I reduce the appearance without having any surgery. Sometimes, you gain loose skin when you lose weight. My biggest fear is that I will look like a melted blob of flesh. Working out this hard just to be defeated by loose skin, rashes, and zippers is not an option. You might have lost the weight but you still look bulky because of the loose skin. Loose skin and exercise at the same time give you look of some tired elephant which I would obviously never want to happen. An article I read talked about woman whom lost 125lbs and had to remove 30lbs worth of skin. Can you imagine the recovery period after a surgery like that. Being financially challenged I am not able to afford such cosmetic surgery. To gain the loose skin as a result of rapid weight loss, is B.S.! So I will be taking my time with my weight-loss, and will not lose more than 10lbs per month.  I found these helpful tips that may help. I am not sure how effective it will be, but nothing beats a failure but a try.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Weight-Loss: Calculators |

Luna's Pasta Dinner
Last nights dinner yum I can eat this delicious fare when I calculate my caloric intake.