My Life: Healthy Living Rules! - Luna Gets Fit My Life: Healthy Living Rules!

Monday, June 22, 2015

My Life: Healthy Living Rules! |

Luna's 10 Rules for weightloss 10 Healthy Living Rules

Everyone should have a great goals and plans on accomplishing those goals. My goal is to be healthy and fit.  So to try to offset any possible mistakes I may make, I will write out some commandments that will guide me back to the goal at hand. I have research from many reputable sources on how to proceed. Some of you may think I am over thinking this process. Well I am, but I can't and will not fail, so I will over-think and think it over again as much as I want.

That being said:

Rule 1:Love myself Daily; Morning affirmations keep myself mentally balance and motivated. So I will write at least 10 short affirmation that I will mediate on daily(coming soon!)

Rule 2: Eat 6 small meals a day
I was told from a professional in the medical field that eating 6 meals a day will keep my metabolism rev-up also keeps away the need for unhealthy snacks and beverages.

Rule 3: Get Physical Daily
10,000 or more steps daily is required  to maintain a healthy body weight. 10,000 steps will be mandatory along side.

Rule 4: Prepare all meal 3 days ahead. This will keep me from eating erratically. 

Rule 5: Eat from smaller plates and bowls. Make it easier to eat in smaller portions

Rule 6: Stay away from process foods or foods filled with high fructose corn syrup. just eliminating these things alone, i will possibly lose 10lbs in a matter of days.

Rule 7: Drink lots of water, hydrate and rinse out the body. All matter of scum is trapped in fat. When you lose weight dirt it gets release into your system. Causing your system to go into clean-up mode. I will help my body clean itself with quality H2O.

Rule 8: Involve the family, cook for the whole family the same healthy meals you are eating. It will keep everyone I love health in check. 

Rule 9: Join free workout groups. Motivation is key, the more cult-like it is the better. "Almighty Burpee how do I worship thee."

Rule 10: Finally have fun! Let fun be more of an reward than losing weight.