Saturday, August 22, 2015

Home Workouts: Get it Done! | No comments:




Home Gym

Ever since the introduction of processed foods rich in fatty acids to boost faster growth and development in human beings. A whole lot of issues have come with it. One of the biggest menace is excessive weight as a result of the excess fats that accumulate in the body since they are less likely to be burned in the process of metabolism. The reason is that the fats require a lot of oxygen and a very high metabolic rate to jump-start lipolysis to break them down to give energy. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Home Workouts: Cardio | No comments:

Woman Workingout at Home
Check Out Home Workouts Part 1
Everyone wants a great body and to feel good about themselves. However with many leading busy lives or just because of plain laziness, many people are opting to live on fast food diet and soft drinks, foods that are laced with serious amount of calories. Either way health specialist have relentlessly advocated for the healthy diet lifestyle, eating healthy food, in the right manner and in the right quantities. However we all know that there is no way that that in itself will help you look great help you keep you healthy if you are just a couch potato. Minimal maintenance and effort from you is called upon to keep you healthy and looking great. Because many people are clueless about some things that they can do to help themselves, below are some simple home cardio workouts that you can do just five feet from your couch and will help you live a healthier happy lifestyle in the long run. They are divided into parts that will help you tone your overall body.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Home Workout: Working Out with Mom | No comments:

 Working Out with Mom

I believe my quest to be healthy and fit is catching on like wild fire where my family is concern. Both son and mom love getting in on my home workouts. So today I decided I will focus my workout on my mom today. My mom suffers from years of wear and tear because of nursing and taking care of others. We went to the doctors when she was told about the arthritis in most of her body. Being in constant pain has cause her to be inactive. Inactively has damaged her more than the arthritis ever could. So with pain she made a change to become more active. Using a baby step plan, we are doing a leg workout today.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Home Workouts: Push-Up's | No comments:

Woman doing pushups
As soon as many of us visualize doing exercise, the first idea that pops into their brain will be the good old fashioned push up. Pictures of military officers all performing push ups,movies push ups and TV shows. Here tips on how to improve your push ups. I can't do a proper push-up for the life of me. But my new motto is "fake-it until you become it." But of course I had to research a proper push. I am the Queen of "google it", so check it out.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Workout: My 8 day Weight Loss Fitness Plan | No comments:

Day 1-8

Yoga Pose 

Fitness Goals: Full-body

Affirmations: “I have perfect mental and emotional health, I am a success at everything I do”

Equipment Needed: Stopwatch for time management.

The warm-up: 10 exercises at 30 second a piece equal a 5-minute warm-up.