My Life
Gaining 5 pounds this week has kill my momentum. Feeling like crapola and slightly depressed I need to turn things around. Having so much so much on my plate and no one to help me is becoming the new norm. Juggling caring for my mom, son and new business while trying to lose weight has become an overwhelming task. I fell short because I stop doing the things that help me stay successful in my ventures. Trying to snap out of my slump is starting to get harder and harder everyday.One problem is the tremendous stress and guilt feelings when I fall short in any region of my life. My mom gets angry with me when I am so engross in task I can't hear her calling me for help. I haven't been helping my son develop his language skills; I haven't been coaching him for 3 weeks now. I sit in front of my computer and work. My business has been suffering so I am doubling up my work load to make up for the lack. My livelihood is being threaten and causing every aspect of my life to go out of whack. Workouts went from 5 days a week to nothing for the past month now. I need a action plan NOW.
My Plan to Get Back on Track!
Be physical and avoid staying in the house and doing chores all day long. I can take a walk or go for a run in the morning hours with my son. A regular exercise routine will help you reduce stress and keep fit. Aim for 150 minutes every week of being physically active.Food Diary
Keeping a food diary is an effective way to keep track of the number of calories that I eat everyday.
Have a care plan for mom
This should include my brothers to make sure they understand moms priorities and needs.
Take good care of MY relationship
The relationship between me, my mom, and kid is very important and should be guarded. Family relationships can be bad when the spouse or children feel like they are being ignored. I have to make special time for my family and also spend quality time with my son.
I have take my time to step back and relax. I can schedule daily and weekly downtime. Determine what priorities are important that need to be handled and let the others go.
Do not forget about self-care
In order to provide good care to other family members, I need to take care of yourself first. Ensure I find time for proper nutrition, sleep, senior care, and child care responsibility. Mothers are well-known for their behavior of putting their family needs first and end up neglecting their own. I am no different and it shows.