Monday, June 29, 2015

Home Workouts: Push-Up's |

Woman doing pushups
As soon as many of us visualize doing exercise, the first idea that pops into their brain will be the good old fashioned push up. Pictures of military officers all performing push ups,movies push ups and TV shows. Here tips on how to improve your push ups. I can't do a proper push-up for the life of me. But my new motto is "fake-it until you become it." But of course I had to research a proper push. I am the Queen of "google it", so check it out.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Grocery List: My budget |

 Groceries and Recipes

I heard a family on one of the food documentaries I like to watch, complain that it was cheaper to buy fast food for their family, than going grocery shopping. I almost believed them until I went to El Pollo Loco an spent $30 on a meal that barely last my family of 3 two days. I did what I thought was impossible. I created 12 different low calories meals made with 1 grocery list. All under $100. Most of the food was prepared ahead of time and frozen. The meals where highly nutritional and easy to make.  I will map out exactly what I did, and you will be the judge if this can work for you. 

Fresh and Easy
Smart and Final

Grocery List: $93.42, watch out for sales.
This is what my family likes to eat, so use this as a guide...okay!
Reasonable Grocery List

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Videos: V-Steam and Alternative Treatment |

I love my Korean spa's just like any true Californian woman. But is this doing too much. I may have to try this for sure. Only problem, I am not going to spend $90 for somebody to blow steam up my woohaaa!!!

Stay Tune!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Luna Gets Fit Power Walk Mix |

DJ Vicious Lee made me a power walk mix. It gets me moving throughout with a cool down at the end. If you like subscribe to my blog. 

Download Here

Luna Gets Fit DJ's
DJ Vicious Lee and DJ Mark Luv

Nutrition: 7 Day Fruit, Vegetable, and Fish Protein Detox |

7 Days of Nutrition Detox

I came across a 7 day detox nutrition plan when I was going through my moms old nursing books from the 70's. It was tuck into an old microbiology book, and the pages was stuck together by some weird sticky goo. Needless to say all the information wasn't readable, so I decided to create one especially for me. Using all the fruits and veggies I enjoy the most, and created a grocery list and meal plan that is easy to follow. My 7 days will begin on June 22, 2015, I will update on Tuesday June 30, 2015.

Monday, June 22, 2015

My Life: Healthy Living Rules! |

Luna's 10 Rules for weightloss 10 Healthy Living Rules

Everyone should have a great goals and plans on accomplishing those goals. My goal is to be healthy and fit.  So to try to offset any possible mistakes I may make, I will write out some commandments that will guide me back to the goal at hand. I have research from many reputable sources on how to proceed. Some of you may think I am over thinking this process. Well I am, but I can't and will not fail, so I will over-think and think it over again as much as I want.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Weight-Loss Tips |


Weight-Loss Tips
The world is fascinated with weight loss, some for health reasons and others for cosmetic. No matter the reason, many people try harsh diets that never work, extreme exercise regimens that result in injuries or other weight loss program that end without success. My purpose for getting fit is slightly different. I want to attain mental and spiritual fitness, it just as important than looking good on the outside. The reason that none of these weight loss methods seem to work is because in order to stay with a program, you have to enjoy it. Not only that, but it has to be safe as well. I want to enjoy and have fun in all my workout activities. Working out with my fiancee, bike riding with friends and playing with my son is the only workouts I seem to enjoy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Grocery List: Fun Lunches |

  Great Lunch Ideas

To eat healthy means to fill your diet full of good, nutritional foods and to reduce the amount of trans fats and processed sugars and unhealthy carbohydrates that tend to pack on the pounds.

Monday, June 15, 2015

My Life: "Mothers Apron" |

I am having issues with the belly fat(more like flap) because of an Cesarian section. C-section was for the sake of my son health. He was born with a tumor the size of a tennis ball on the crown of his head. They found it in a ultrasound during my second trimester. All the stress of not knowing if my son will die, kept me in constant anxiety.  So the doc's said it will best to get a c-section, it made them feel a little more control over the situation. Considering that birthing the babe through the birth canal will be dangerous, I had to agreed. Now he is a happy one year old, also the tumor is all gone. The tumor on head was diagnosis a hemangioma; which means in short, "blood vessels gone wild."

Monday, June 8, 2015

Workout: Overcoming Plateaus |


White Woman With Tape Measure
Now I have to discuss plateaus with my crazy busy schedule!  I don't know how I can even write regularly, least of all fight against plateaus. My mom and  son take up my time, I want my workouts to be a no brainer. So my fitness trainer gave me a few tips to stay on top of plateaus. Working out can be lots of fun. To intensify your workout, you need the motivation needed to carry out your goal. We you need to adopt healthy habits. Adopting healthy habits as in keeping yourself hydrated during sessions will help. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Weight Loss Diet or Fad Diet |

Woman eating healthy lunch. Weight Loss Diet

I was told that I am considered morbidly obese in the medical world, I wasn't before my pregnancy. I was considerably overweight by 20-30lbs but far from obese. It feels different to be this, big postpartum belly fat with a side of 62 lbs, I hate it. Pains in my ankles, knees and back lets me know it is very urgent that I lose this excess weight. I researched different diets I can tried out, and like most people I found it to be daunting and ineffective. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My Life: Weight loss |

I made up a nice fitness challenge for my self. This will help aid in weight loss.

Goals: Meditate at least 20 minutes daily.
Perform 25 pushups without stopping.
Pole dancing class with my friends
Get at least 8 hours of sleep daily.
Eat five different vegetables and fruit daily.
More outside workouts than at home or the gym.
Have Fun! 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Grocery List: Healthy Breakfast For Familes |

Breakfast Recipes

In the current scenario of life, the cost of eating out for the family is raising day by day. Several people have started worrying whether they could reduce the costs being spent on food items. Getting fresh fruits and vegetables can be the only way to cut the costs. This can also help in keeping your family out of the hospitals.Make sure to create a grocery list before you travel to the market. This will help keep those awful foods, that taste so good out of your cart.

You may have the feeling that the healthy family meals cannot be tastier. It is not so! The following guide will help you in planning the diet for your family when at the same time you do not have to compromise on the taste.

Breaking for Yummy Breakfasts

Here are the few easy food prep ideas for healthy and yummy breakfast that can be easily done at your homes: 
Vegan Pancakes Recipes

Tofu Omlete

Apple and Blackberry