Grocery List: Fun Lunches - Luna Gets Fit Grocery List: Fun Lunches

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Grocery List: Fun Lunches |

  Great Lunch Ideas

To eat healthy means to fill your diet full of good, nutritional foods and to reduce the amount of trans fats and processed sugars and unhealthy carbohydrates that tend to pack on the pounds.

What is really important to remember is that you are not going on crash diet or making sudden changes to your eating habits. You will need to simply shift away from the food that are not good for you and embrace those that will help you lose the weight. It is important that during this transitional period you do not try to starve or deny the calories that your body needs to operate. Instead, you will need to embrace the healthy foods that will actually benefit your body and help you to lose the weight instead. 

Fruits & Vegetables

Your really cannot go wrong by adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. You may want to avoid some of the starchy vegetables, but leafy green ones like spinach for example is an excellent food thanks to its high concentration of vitamins and minerals while adding very few calories. 

Although many fruits like oranges and apples have sugar, it is not processed sugar which is the real culprit in adding weight to your body. Of course, there are plenty of fruits to choose from as well and they make for a great dessert or snack during the day.

Lean Meat: Chicken, turkey and fish are excellent lean meats that taste great and have far less fat on them than traditional beef products. There is plenty of good protein in lean meats that will help maintain your muscles while keeping away the fats.

If you are not partial to lean meats then try beans or legumes instead as they have plenty of protein as well as lots of good dietary fiber which will help your digestive system. 

So here are some healthy fun lunches:
Cauliflower Salad
Lunches Recipes


Eggplants and Tomatoes

Burger Ingredients
Healthy Burgers
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