Saturday, July 18, 2015

Home Workouts: Cardio | No comments:

Woman Workingout at Home
Check Out Home Workouts Part 1
Everyone wants a great body and to feel good about themselves. However with many leading busy lives or just because of plain laziness, many people are opting to live on fast food diet and soft drinks, foods that are laced with serious amount of calories. Either way health specialist have relentlessly advocated for the healthy diet lifestyle, eating healthy food, in the right manner and in the right quantities. However we all know that there is no way that that in itself will help you look great help you keep you healthy if you are just a couch potato. Minimal maintenance and effort from you is called upon to keep you healthy and looking great. Because many people are clueless about some things that they can do to help themselves, below are some simple home cardio workouts that you can do just five feet from your couch and will help you live a healthier happy lifestyle in the long run. They are divided into parts that will help you tone your overall body.


Before embarking on any kind of work out, it is important to stretch your muscles and help your body wake up as it were. This helps avoid any kind of injury associated with exercising, no matter how light it might be.

For starters, stand tall, lean forward as much as you can and the backwards, do it at least five times while rotating your torso. Also lean sideways, try as much as possible to touch your toes. Also do this at least five times.

• Inch Worm

This is another stretching mechanism that you can do, Inchworm, identify a flat straight way in your resident a place that you can move forward or lie down. Stand tall then bend until you touch the ground. Move your hands forward until you are in a push up position. Finish this move by moving your feet to your hands and stand tall again. Do this again, around five times

• High Knees

If you are not a fun of any kind of pushups or lying down, the high knees is an alternative workout move. Lift your leg backward as far as you can, hold it into position and place it right down, alternate for 30 seconds straight in quick succession.

Warm up

Now after finishing your stretching, it is time to get that body temperature up slightly. Skipping is s great option, the use of a skipping rope is recommended to guide you on how high you are going, do this about 20 times . However if Skipping isn’t an option for you, stair climbing is another way of getting your heart rate up. Briskly walk up and down a flight of stairs at least 5 times. The best thing about this is that you can pretend that you just forgot something and you going to get it.

Full body

Burpee workout
• Basic Burpee

For the full body work out, the basic burpee would be great; in fact it’s not as hard as it looks. Basic burpee, not as hard as it looks, start in a low squat position, hands on floor, kick your feet back to a push up position and then quickly jump up high before squatting back, 10 times. Your feet will hurt a  little but it’s a killer move that helps tone up our whole body.

• Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers is also another option for non- jumpers. Start down on hands and knees, bring one foot to your chest, left leg remains straight, switch legs quickly and so this about 20 more times in quick succession, a great way to engage the whole body core.

Mountain Climber Work Out


• Frog Jump

For those who hate jumping, this is where you have to compromise in order to get great looking legs. Truthfully speaking, it’s a hard move. Begin by squatting down, keep arms straight, jump in air, raise your knee, and come back down 15 times. Your feet and thighs will strain, but that is exactly how you know its working.

Frog Jump Work Out

Arms and Core

• Sprinters Sit-up

To tone up your hands and keep those love handles at bay, a sprinter sit up is just the thing for you. Start by lying back on your back with legs extended, arms at your side elbows and bent at 90 degrees. Bring left knee towards the right elbow, alternate sides at a high speed at least 20 times. 

Splinter Workout

The best part of the home workouts moves is that no one will know that you doing them except yourself. You will be exercising living a happier life, loving yourself and your body.