Home Workouts: Get it Done! - Luna Gets Fit Home Workouts: Get it Done!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Home Workouts: Get it Done! |




Home Gym

Ever since the introduction of processed foods rich in fatty acids to boost faster growth and development in human beings. A whole lot of issues have come with it. One of the biggest menace is excessive weight as a result of the excess fats that accumulate in the body since they are less likely to be burned in the process of metabolism. The reason is that the fats require a lot of oxygen and a very high metabolic rate to jump-start lipolysis to break them down to give energy. 
Exercise isn't limited to the gym, there is no membership required to get healthy. With a little planning, you can create a workout plan that is both fun and good for you. The bonus is that you can do it all from home. When considering working out at home, there are several aspects of the fitness picture to consider. You'll want to be sure you've got a plan for aerobic training, strength training, and stretching. You'll want to consider the weather in your area and plan both indoor and outdoor activities that will work for your location. Once you've taken stock in what is already available to you, you'll want to fill out your plan from there. You want to make sure you have a plan for aerobic activities when it is rainy or to cold for being outdoors. This is when the videos and indoor machines come in handy. If you decide on an exercise machine, considering the cost, you'll want to choose the one you are most likely to enjoy using. Videos are less expensive and take up less space, but if you don't think you'll use them, they would still be a waste. You want to make sure that you will use and enjoy any equipment that you actually purchase.

Depending on your current health and condition, you have options in strength training as well. If you are a beginner, you can build a strength-training plan using hand weights, bands and an exercise ball. Or just with a basic barbell and weights. There are lots of resources online that can help you figure out which exercises to do and how to do them. You can build a routine and purchase all of the equipment you really need for under $50 if you are willing to be creative. If you have trained with weights already, you may want to go ahead and invest in a weight bench and some weights. However, you will still be able to work most of your muscles without investing in a large machine that costs thousands of dollars and fills an entire room in your house.

There are lots of reasons to workout at home; privacy, less spending, less time out of your day etc. The toughest part is finding the space in your house or apartment and committing to actually using it once you set up your home gym fitness equipment.

  • Commitment
The truth is, you probably won't be any more committed than you are when you have to leave the house to workout. You'll have ups and downs and times when your home gym gathers dust. You'll also have times that you're really into it and really appreciate it's convenience and privacy. The commitment to work out comes from you and having easy access to home gym fitness equipment won't make you workout, you still have to push yourself.

  • Fitness Goals
It's helpful to make a list of your fitness goals before you decide to try a home gym. If your list is as simple as lose weight, be able to do 100 push ups and sweat everyday, you'll probably be fine. If you goals are to be a great raquet-ball player, meet fitness friends and use a wide variety of equipment, you may want to stick to the gym. I realize that this sounds obvious, but when you're growing tired of the drive the gym and feeling a money pinch, working out at home will sound great. After asking yourself why you go to the gym, it might not sound that great. If you're the type of girl that meets friends a the gym to bust out a half hour on the treadmill while trading gossip or the type of guy that lifts with a guy buddy and enjoys your man time, you have to acknowledge what the value of going to the gym is for you before making a big change.

  • Space & Finances
If you're still on board with having your gym be within your home, you should also consider the space and financial requirements it will take. Where will your home gym equipment live? If you have a garage that can double as a workout area or a spare room that no one will miss, those are of course ideal. If you don't, where would you put it? Could you get by without minimal large pieces and do the bulk of your workout with free weights, videos and standard old school workouts. It can be done, you've all seen those MSNBC Lock Up shows where the guys are ripped from doing push-ups in their teeny cells, but is that the type of workout that will keep your fitness commitment on track? It may be, it's up to you.