Friday, July 31, 2015

My Life: Son Took My Brains! |

Can exercise improve learning and memory?
I ask myself this question recently and I had to find out the truth. It turns out that physical activity actually turns on hormonal support systems in your brain. The activation of these systems strengthens brain circuits that you already have and helps you develop new ones. I was happy to hear this because I truly believe my son took off with half my brain when I birthed him. About 2 months after he was born, I started to notice short-term memory loss. Coupled that with postpartum depression, I needed extra help taking care of my little one. My comprehension level has greatly declined, I can't enjoy books like I use too. That little bandit took of with portion of my brain and I want it back!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

What does Sandwich Generation Mean? |

Older Woman Smiling

Sandwich Generation

Mom the wonderful woman who loves me. She raised me and my brothers while working two jobs to support us. She can get on my nerves and in the same breath, I want to hug and kiss her. Her strength and love for God made her phenomenal human being. I cherish her wisdom and her funny ways. Her generosity and helping those in need has molded me into a loving caring individual.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Videos: Disgusting Foods |

Please be careful what you put in your body. This video gross me out on so many levels. I can't believe the shyte is legal to feed human beings. Goes to show how much the government cares for human life in America.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Funny: Weight-loss Product Ephedra |
Luna back in 2009 20lbs overweight.
I have never been a small woman. An always having a few pounds I could stand to lose since college. My weight was never this out of hand. I have tried a lot of weight-loss products in my past to rid myself of 20lbs. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Fitness Wear: Clothing Basics |

Fitness Wear in Luna's Shop Fitness Apparel

Working-out has its own disciplines when it comes to the right attire. Many situations influence the kind of clothes that you will wear during a workout. For example, if your workout session is indoors, you will have to dress differently compared to when you are doing your exercises out in the open. The weather will also affect the clothes you will wear during a workout, but above all your preference will be the key denominator when choosing the best fitness clothing. This article will give you all the possible options and you will be able to make a sound decision afterwards.