Funny: Weight-loss Product Ephedra - Luna Gets Fit Funny: Weight-loss Product Ephedra

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Funny: Weight-loss Product Ephedra |

Luna back in 2009 20lbs overweight.
I have never been a small woman. An always having a few pounds I could stand to lose since college. My weight was never this out of hand. I have tried a lot of weight-loss products in my past to rid myself of 20lbs. 

20lbs I gained after leaving college and never been able to shuck like a bad novel. This is about me losing that 20lbs when I needed too. 

Epherdra: "Best thing since slice bread". The shopkeeper in the Bally's Total Gym and Spa told me in the early 2000's. Just out of College and I gained so much weight in a short of time, and thinking the family obesity curse will finally get me. Joining Bally's and workout 5 days a week 2 hours a day. But peep this I didn't lose a pound. As a matter of fact I was gaining weight. Even though people were telling I was the fittest they have ever seen me, the scale said fat. I was never taught then that weight-loss was soon to come so keep pushing, or muscles weigh more than fat. Desperate and defeated my friend suggested Epherdra an over-the-counter weight-loss supplement. Going into the Bally's gym that morning I stopped by the store. Shopkeeper was overly happy and excited to see me for no reason at all. Can't remember her name but lets call her Bubbly. Miss Bubbly ask me what brought me there. "I am looking for a weight-loss stimulate", I said all bubbly and giddy for No Reason at All"Oh yes we just got in some Metabolife, you will love it! I am using it now, and I never had so much energy...yeah!" We both started jumping happily after I bought 2 bottles for $50. 

So the next morning I tried my weight-loss supplement before my morning workout. I am telling you I stayed on the treadmill longer than ever. My strength training was energetic a fun. I felt the high everyone talks about when you workout consistently. After taking a shower and getting dress I notice my hands where shaking like a crack fiend. "Jesus, what's going on", finally going home I couldn't relax for nothing. Jittering and dizzy at the same time is the worst feeling ever! Knowing it maybe the ephedra, I drank a lot of water to flush this shit out of my system. 3am and I had to go to work in the morning dammit, and I still can't go to sleep. 7am getting up from a sleepless night I went to work on the bus because I was too scared to drive in my condition. Does this stuff really last this long...wth! On the bus I am looking like a drug addict coming down from a high. Finally I got to work and told my boss about the ephedra and my tardiness. She laughs..."Don't believe that Anna Nicole chick, that stuff will make you sick". "It's been on the news for weeks, have you not heard". Feeling embarrassed and still jittering I said. "I don't look at TV much", she thought I was lying. Eventually sending me home early, "Get some rest and I'll see you Friday". 
 I know the feeling kid.

Needless to say I stopped that crapola and got my money back immediately. Miss Bubbly was disappointed in her excited kinda of way. Around that time I became discouraged and stay home from the gym for weeks. My great frient Cinder had too snap me out of my inactivity, and I started back training. Staying away from any weight-loss supplement that makes you feel like throwing up and irritated at the same time. That's my Ephedra story, I didn't lose weight and now understand the reason Miss Bubbly was so bubbly...ugh!

Please look out for my next weight-loss blog about (Alli)
The most disgusting weight-loss product on the market...ewwww!!!

Alli is the reduced-strength, 60-milligram version of orlistat (Xenical), a 120-milligram prescription drug.