6 Simple Weight-Loss Rules - Luna Gets Fit 6 Simple Weight-Loss Rules

Saturday, August 1, 2015

6 Simple Weight-Loss Rules |

Ms. Luna's Weight Loss Rules



In a perfect world I would follow these rules to the "T"...In a Perfect World!

1. Exercise
Exercise is very important for ones fitness and good health.Cardiovascular exercises contributes greatly in strengthening the hearts and the lungs. Exercise such as strength training helps in strengthening muscles while stretching reduces risks of injury by increasing flexibility.By doing regular exercises circulation of blood and body improvement is significantly improved. Exercise is also known to help in combating depression. Exercise can get rid of the baby weight and leave you feeling happy and fit.

2. Get enough sleep
Sleep affects our mental and physical health greatly.Lack of sleep affects metabolism, concentration motor skills and moods. It also stress hormones and the immune system as well as cardiovascular health.Enough sleep allows our bodies to heal, repair and rejuvenate itself in a special way which is not possible when a person is awake.

3. Eat healthfully
Fresh fruits,vegetables and grains as part of the overall diet is a great way to maintain a good health. Eating balanced food and avoiding overeating is not an option when it comes to achieving fitness and maintaining good health.Always give your body ample time to digest food and avoid highly processed food containing artificial sweeteners.

4. Reduce stress
Stress is known to cause a range of problems,from heart problems to digestive problems. Exercise, doing what one loves,meditation,and enjoyable hobbies are some of the ways used to alleviate the harmful effects caused by stress.Overworking is also another known cause of stress.Taking a break and making sure that you are surrounded by people who support you helps in reducing stress caused by overwork.

5. Drink a lot of water
The greater percentage of our body is water.To keep our bodies hydrated most foods and fluids contain water.Fresh,plain and clean water is the best and healthiest for maintaining a healthy and fit body.Water is used in cleaning body organs and most important in the digestive system.Being hydrated is important for proper brain functioning as well as flushing away toxins through the skin and the urine.

6. Breakfast
Always start your day with a healthy breakfast.This helps in setting up the enough energy for optimal physical and mental performance.It also helps in maintaining a stable blood sugar level and suitable weight because one is likely not to overindulge as the day grows.

I will keep you updated on my progress...lol