Thursday, August 6, 2015

What is Yoga | No comments:

This is what I learn about yoga. I will definitely incorporate it into my workout!

Yoga is an ancient aerobic exercise which can help you to get in shape. Definitely it can help you to lose weight, but the true fact about yoga is it’s a slow process to lose weight. Moreover, you need to do it under the supervision of a yoga expert for a certain period of time. Strong determination and dedication of weight lose can bring success. Benefit of yoga is that it leaves you fresh and new every time you are done with your yoga workout. The reason behind it being the fact that Yoga brings your mind, body and breath on the same platform. This phenomenon makes it more interesting and easy and effective compared to other workouts.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My Life: Be Happy | No comments:

Happy or Content
Since major life changes occurred in my late 30's, I don't remember a time since the birth of my son when I was extremely happy. It sucks to know that I have failed in so many things in the last 5 years. My relationship, job and financials. I feel like I am in the fight of my life and I can't seem to find a corner to rest in before I can throw more punches. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

My Life: Non-Fat, Low Fat and Still Fat! | No comments: 


Non-Fat and Low-Fat


Still Fat!!!