Luna Gets Fit Luna Gets Fit

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Funny: Best Butt in America...My Ass |


Your flat butt is not the best in America. I wish these designers stop trying to push their ideas of beauty down our throats. I hope this is a Jimmy Kimble joke. They lied to this poor woman now she going around thinking she has the best ass. Until a better butt pulls up and embarrass her. Lololololol HA!

Home Workouts: Cardio |

Woman Workingout at Home
Check Out Home Workouts Part 1
Everyone wants a great body and to feel good about themselves. However with many leading busy lives or just because of plain laziness, many people are opting to live on fast food diet and soft drinks, foods that are laced with serious amount of calories. Either way health specialist have relentlessly advocated for the healthy diet lifestyle, eating healthy food, in the right manner and in the right quantities. However we all know that there is no way that that in itself will help you look great help you keep you healthy if you are just a couch potato. Minimal maintenance and effort from you is called upon to keep you healthy and looking great. Because many people are clueless about some things that they can do to help themselves, below are some simple home cardio workouts that you can do just five feet from your couch and will help you live a healthier happy lifestyle in the long run. They are divided into parts that will help you tone your overall body.

Friday, July 17, 2015

How I Keep Depression At Bay. |

Overcoming Depression

Love in the Trees
Daily Affirmations.

 "I will live each day in love with myself and others" -Nathalie A