Book Review: The Power Of Habit - Luna Gets Fit Book Review: The Power Of Habit

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Book Review: The Power Of Habit |

Power Of Habit Book Review

Power Of Habit
Power Of Habit

Finished reading The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business and added Charles  Duhigg to my "Awesome Book's Written By Investigative Reporters" list.  In this review I will point out how this book helped me.

Ever since I can remember I have been an emotional eater. Although I was an athlete for most of my school career, running track and playing softball, I have always overate. But the thing that kept me from being obese was the fact I was active. I was very successful in my career and business because I had gained great habits along the way.  But those good habits can never erase the bad habits. Overindulge with high carbs foods when I'm sad, depressed or downright angry is my habit. No longer I wanted this habit after I gained 100 pounds. Wanting to lose weight and change my habit to a positive is more easier said than done. That is why reading this book was a great start in bettering myself by getting fit and healthy. 

Things that stood out in this book: 

How habits are formed: Habits are formed in a three-part loop cue, routine and award. The cue triggers your brain to go into automatic mode. The routine can be physical mental emotional and the reward helps your brain figure out if the loop is worth remembering.

How to form new habits: Find the cue and define the reward. In others words my reward for sticking to my workout plan is every Saturday I can eat my favorite food regardless how fattening. This may not work for most, but once I created that reward I didn't miss a day of working out for a whole week. Create your own reward, make you brain adopt that habit as the new norm.

Strengthen my Willpower: From this book I learned to strengthen the willpower in one area of my life and watch it spill over to other areas. Because willpower is like a muscle, it gets tired. So I am focusing on getting healthy and fit, hoping my life will balance out.

Create A Movement: My reasoning for why I blog. My need to bring people together a create the movement of support and healthy living.
Luna getting it in

In creating new habits you must try these four things.

  1. Identify the routine
  2. Experiment with rewards
  3. Isolate the cue
  4. Have a plan
In conclusion The Power Of Habit is not a book you read once and then be done. I am reading again as we speak. This book has molded my attitude and approach to my get healthy movement. I hope you read today, it will change your life.