The Alternative WorkOut For Women Who Like Me Hate The Gym
"Save Me From Boring Gym Workouts"
Standup Paddle Board Yoga, Mix Martial Arts, Pole Dancing and Aerial Fitness Class are some of the workouts that will help you stay fit as well as fun. That's what Alternative Workout book is about!Have fun getting fit skating on the beach. You need to love what you are doing so you can keep doing it. I explored different activities to find what I like the most.
Believe me when I say I lost more weight dancing in the park on Friday evenings than I ever did in the gym. Try a little Sword Play or Hiking in the Hollywood Hills for a change. Taking pictures group jogging in the streets with friend is way better than the same ole' sweaty gym pictures.
Taking to the street in Kangoo Shoes and hop into a better body, mind and spirit. So add these Alternative WorkOuts to your regular fitness routine and GET FIT!
Available for pre-order on Amazon