Alternative Workouts: High Heels - Luna Gets Fit Alternative Workouts: High Heels

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Alternative Workouts: High Heels |

 Heel Hop or Not

Can high heels help you stay fit? This has left many wondering if dancing in heels will help tone our body or if it is detrimental to our health. I always felt confident when stomping around on high heels. The wearing of heels is like a culture of women to speak without necessarily saying a word. My ass looks firmer and legs looks sexy. Trust me, when am in those fancy stilettos, my self-esteem is on the peak and I got the feeling that I rock. There is a connection or rather a relationship between self-esteem and high heels, at least for me.

Chiropractors have raised endless concerns about wearing the pumps and it doesn't seem to stop the momentum of heel hop. So, the big question is, should we listen to them? Should we stop looking gorgeous and heed the warning? I bet only a few percentage will do that. On the other hand, many ladies claim that wearing high heels is a great workout. A study by Dr. Maria Angela shows that wearing heels strengthen the abdominal muscles as well as the pelvic muscles. Gyms and studios have embraced this idea of working out in high heels and started classes to help women tone their shape, legs,hips, thighs and the bottoms. A simple action of wearing stilettos can make you look leaner by accentuating ones calves and toning the legs.

Heel Hop Class

You can find the classes at your nearest pole dancing studios. As you sway the hip bone while standing on them heels strengthens the butt and the belly muscles. This is a perfect deal for getting that curvacious body every woman desires to have. Moreover, a workout in heels make one careful in making the steps, this makes you vibrationally connected and aligned. You may be wondering how pole dancing is a workout. The reality check is heel exercise can burn more calories than you can imagine.

Each gym class and trainers may offer specific workouts but when it comes to workout in heels, many trainers have embraced the squats, lunges and hand weights. The whole thing about stiletto workouts is the elevation. Doing squats with the ankles in a slightly higher position make the legs, calves and hips work much harder. This is said to tone up the bottom and the legs. Ordinary squats and lunges are tough enough in the normal footwear, trust me,with the added few inches, you have to go down further making your hips burn. Be ready to sweat.

A routine procedure of wearing those stilettos regularly is already enough workout. Simply, even without the extra workout, walking on the heels, the body tend to lean forward to counter the elevated position of the heel. This tucks the pelvis and tightens the muscles in the abdomen. It is similar like doing the regular kegels. Mmm heel workout may even better your sex life...ha! Sign me Up!!!