I made my favorite soup today! "Luna Kale Fish Soup"
Finished and Good! |
As soon as many of us visualize doing exercise, the first idea that
pops into their brain will be the good old fashioned push up. Pictures
of military officers all performing push ups,movies push ups and TV shows. Here tips on how to improve your push ups. I can't do a proper push-up for the life of me. But my new motto is "fake-it until you become it." But of course I had to research a proper push. I am the Queen of "google it", so check it out.
Groceries and Recipes
I heard a family on one of the food documentaries I like to watch, complain that it was cheaper to buy fast food for their family, than going grocery shopping. I almost believed them until I went to El Pollo Loco an spent $30 on a meal that barely last my family of 3 two days. I did what I thought was impossible. I created 12 different low calories meals made with 1 grocery list. All under $100. Most of the food was prepared ahead of time and frozen. The meals where highly nutritional and easy to make. I will map out exactly what I did, and you will be the judge if this can work for you.
Fresh and Easy
Smart and Final
Grocery List: $93.42, watch out for sales.
This is what my family likes to eat, so use this as a guide...okay!