Sleep Cycles: Toddler Sleep Patterns - Luna Gets Fit Sleep Cycles: Toddler Sleep Patterns

Friday, September 4, 2015

Sleep Cycles: Toddler Sleep Patterns |

Sleep habits in toddlers.

Sleep is a vital part in baby’s well-being and health. It is required to support all the functions of the body such as growth, brain function and development. If you need your child to grow healthy, he should have at least 12 hours of sleep every day. This will ensure that he is always alert and calm. However, the main aspect that you should consider is the quality of sleep not the quantity. 

This is for those who are looking for some information on sleeping habits in toddlers? Establishing healthy sleep habits for your kid is very essential for both the physical and mental growth. There are a number of reasons why some kids always stay awake through the night. Below are some of the reasons why your toddler could be losing sleep and some possible remedies.

i. Poor scheduling of daytime sleep for the toddler.

In this case, the more the toddler sleeps during the day can greatly affect the chances of the toddler sleeping in the night.  Your child will likely to lose sleep during the night, if the need for sleep is not respected during the day. If the toddler stays awake for a longer time during the day, then likely he/she will be overtired, and is likely to lose sleep during the night. A more relaxed child, will likely to get more sleep during the night. In this case you have to ensure that you obey the need for sleep for your toddler during the day. 

ii. Parent not assisting the toddler to sleep.

Most toddlers do not sleep independently and need some assistance from the parent, most toddlers will do what adults do. Helping your toddler to sleep can work perfectly for you simply by using a number of methods such as laying down in bed with them until they fall asleep. Turning down the lights and light reading with a light tone, can help in relaxing your kid. More so adding some regular activities before going to bed, like cleaning up toys, and a bath will help understand "the wind-down". Also to quiet the night time fears, let them feel your presence and assure them of their safety.

iii. Inconsistency.

Some parents also are not consistent in time and this will directly affect the sleep of the toddler at night. You should be able to prepare the toddlers schedule to be consistent, this will help the kids to get the healthy required to sleep they need to grow. Maintaining good sleeping habits for your toddler will make him happy and active during the day.

"This is why co-sleeping benefits me and my baby."

What is co-sleeping?

Co- sleeping can refer to three main practices:

1. Couch sharing: this is where the baby sleeps on the same sofa or coach with the parent.

2. Bed-sharing: where the parent and the baby sleep on the same bed. 

3. Room sharing: Where the baby sleep in the same room with the parent but in different beds. 
Room sharing is strongly advocated than bed sharing and coach sharing. This is because both bed and coach sharing are associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Room sharing reduces the risks of SIDS because the risks of overheating are reduced.

However, it is possible to make co-sleeping safe by following the tips below;

A. Make sure that you keep your baby warm not hot;
When your baby is not comfortable with the rise in temperatures he will not sleep well. Notably, contact with the body leads to rise in temperature. Thus, you should ensure that your baby is dressed in light clothes. Make sure you maintain the temperature at optimum level.

B. Make sure you don’t leave your baby alone in bed
Do not let your baby sleep between pillows on the pillows. He may roll off and fall down or be squeezed in between the pillows and suffocate. Instead, if you are leaving the room put him in a safe place like a cot.

C. Use light and minimal bedding
It is advisable not to use duvet if you are co-sleeping. Use lightweight covers to prevent overheating and suffocation. Do regular checking of the baby to ensure that he has not covered his head.

D. Ensure that the mattress is firm 
The mattress should fit snugly on your bed. This is to prevent creation of gaps which can make a baby to fall down. It should also be hard enough to prevent suffocation and overheating which will adversely affect the baby’s sleep.

1. What are the benefits of co-sleeping?
It facilitates the bond between child and the parent
Skin contact between the child and the mother facilitates the release of oxytocin hormone. This strengthens and solidifies the bond between the mother and the child.

2. It improves sleep 
When a child sleeps next to the mother there is security created. The child feels secure and he is able to have quality sleep.

3. It makes breast feeding easier 
A child will not have enough sleep if he is hungry. Breasting feeding is an important factor for the proper growth of the child. Thus, having your child in the same bed makes it easy for you to breast feed him.

4. Co-sleeping is very important in helping you identify the behavioral changes for your child. Make sure that you engage in co-sleeping rightfully to protect your child from SIDS and to ensure that your child gets quality sleep.