Alternative Treatments: Chai-yok/V- Steam - Luna Gets Fit Alternative Treatments: Chai-yok/V- Steam

Friday, August 28, 2015

Alternative Treatments: Chai-yok/V- Steam |

Vaginal Steaming Chairs

What is vaginal steaming?

Indeed you just read it properly vaginal steaming with Chai-yok or V-steam is what we are to speak about. Amazed, actually it is a splendor therapy for ladies who are looking forward to detoxifying their “vajayjay”.
Chai-yok is an ancient Korean therapy applicable for vaginal steaming (hey quit saying that!) it’s similar to facial detoxification but for the ladies parts here we are it has been of use for decades to fight contamination, ease stress, boost fertility, moderate PMS and precisely advance your sex life.

Now it’s nearly present to an ordinary salon nearby you. A lot of Korean ladies undertake a session after a period of menstruating. There is a similar therapy for men, occasionally referred to as an A-steam which steams the perinea region. 
The Procedure is quite easy to follow: A stripped woman takes a seat on an open placed chair just above a steaming pot of water, infused with a therapeutic herbal mixture for like 20 to 45 minutes while putting on an immense tent to capture the air.
Anecdotal results advocates that V- steam can be in effect against infertility & regulation of the menstrual cycle as well as ease cramping and more so hemorrhoids. There are claims that women become expectant after numerous treatments. An escalation in energy and vigor and a decline in discomfort have been linked to these steam. 
Vaginal Steaming Herbs
Even though the herbal blend used contrasts, most encompasses mugwort and wormwood. Herbalists state that mugwort is an acknowledged anti-fungal and antibiotic agent that supports and maintain the uterine fitness. It has extensively been allied with vaginal healthiness. Wormwood was by tradition, used for digestive difficulties in addition to parasites and infections. 
Vagina Steam indeed boosts circulation of blood around the area, which in that case enhances response to your body immunity. Since it’s not like blustering up a closed tube