Alternative Workouts: Stroller - Luna Gets Fit Alternative Workouts: Stroller

Monday, August 17, 2015

Alternative Workouts: Stroller |

Benefits working out with baby. 

Mom Pushing Baby In Stroller

How can a mom integrate workouts while taking care of the baby

Pregnancy can cause many changes to the body; new moms often face a lot of self-esteem issues when their bodies start changing shape after pregnancy. There are a lot of reasons why women start getting bigger after pregnancy. They would often experience hormonal issues and sleep deprivation; the erratic schedule in feeding the baby will also give them a hard time. Most women will also be so tired to even do a push up or bicep curl. But this does not mean that there are no workouts that they can do. There are various workouts that can be done in order to make sure that the body will still remain in a good shape.

The Stroller Work Out:

Because of time constraints and dilemmas, especially by single mothers, a personal trainer named Lisa Druxman has designed a new type of workout called the stroller work out. The Stroller workouts for moms can be used as an alternative workout for mothers who are no longer able to visit the gym. The workout was designed for mothers who want to be in a good shame, while at the same time maximizing the time they have with their children. The purpose of the workout is to give time for mothers to perform an exercise while at the same time be with their kids.

What are the items to bring?
In order to perform the stroller workout you need to bring water and a mat for the abdominal workout. You can also bring a hat and some sun block for you and the baby. The workout has to be started slowly so that there won’t be loss of balance. A jogging stroller would be best to use in this instance. The aim of the exercise is to encourage women to walk at a comfortable pace, and then to stop and do some stretching of the arm and the legs. After that, further walking can be performed, the shoulders should be down and back and the chest must be out. Strength training session’s needed to be performed, and an interval of 5 to 10 minutes of walking and jogging can be done together with the stroller. There should be at least three sets of 15 repetitions for each of the exercises.

The stroller workout can include lunges. It would be best to stand behind the stroller using the hands on the handlebar shoulder with one-width apart, and then to lunge forward with that one leg, push the stroller out in the front and then the knees should be directed above the ankle and the thigh in order to stay parallel to the ground. This can be done at least 3x a week, after that women can take some time to add some yoga and meditation for at least 15 minutes a day to help them relax not only the body but also the mind. Women face a lot of pressures in life, especially mothers; they should find time to take care of themselves.