Fitness: Becoming a Fitness Trainer - Luna Gets Fit Fitness: Becoming a Fitness Trainer

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Fitness: Becoming a Fitness Trainer |

Why I am becoming a fitness trainer?

I announce to my family "I am thinking of becoming a personal fitness training", the laughter that followed would have made you think Kevin Hart was in the building. Looking around the room and saying in a low voice, "I'm serious" all while walking away. Oh, I wasn't walking away because I was hurt, because they laugh. I was walking away because I had plans to make!


Researching several certifying bodies in the personal fitness world. I made my decision to go with the ISSA. Base on what they offered it was right up my alley.

  • American Council on Exercise (ACE)
  • National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
  • International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
After reading about what it takes to be a personal fitness trainer, I said "I'm in"! Who is the authority that said in order to be a fitness trainer you have to look like this...
Maybe looking like the people in the pictures above gives most people a sense of your creditability when it comes to losing weight and getting fit. But I have had many fitness trainers who looked better than these people above who didn't know shit. I was stuck in a cooking cutter routine that was so boring I decide becoming my own fitness trainer. I have found success in creating my program that encumbers, my mind body and spirit philosophy. Since starting my program I have lost a whooping 53 pounds and 28inches. Having 50lbs to meet my weight loss goals, I am happier, positive and well rested. No regular fitness trainer can do that. You need an extraordinary fitness trainer who knows the struggle of trying to get-fit. You need someone who motivates you through their own struggle. Think about it, who will inspire you most. You have a fitness trainers just as out of shape as you, and you watch there body transform because of determination and grit. Hell where is that person I will hire them today.
I am that person!

Studying to be a fitness trainer with the ISSA will require money. So I have some work to do. I like there program and support system. The course cost $499 and they have other courses I maybe interested in...
These courses will put me on top of my game for the future. So laugh at me if you want it doesn't matter to me one bit. I am and I will!!! 
Although my family loves me and don't want to see me come to harm, they are still a bunch of narrow-minded people who live comfortably inside their box. They should know me by now.  When I make my mind up about I will follow through. Even if I fail, I still made it happen. There is no failure in making it happen. So the moral of my story has yet to be known, just keep watching me while I get fit!